Acting Diploma (6 -12 Months)
(with optional ATCL - HND EQUIVALENT UNIT)
Looking to become a Professional Actor but can’t commit to an in-person course with us? Perhaps you have reached a point in your life where NOW is the time to put energy into yourself and a new career in the arts?
If so, then our Online Acting Diploma is for you. It can be completed anywhere in the world, at any time, within only 6 months. And there is no audition, you can start straight away with us.
Watch video testimonials from our students who have already enrolled onto this course below…
Testimonial: Acting Out Acting Diploma Online Foundation Acting Testimonial, Hayley.
Testimonial: Acting Out Acting Diploma Online Foundation Acting Testimonial, Alex
Our professional courses have been approved and recommended by top UK Casting Agents, who recognise our outstanding training achievements.
We have a high rate of student success where professional employment is gained in the industry and our alumni are signed by agents.
Our professional courses have also been vetted by Equity who also recognise our training success. All our UK based students, have the option of an Equity Membership on graduating.
*** No Auditions, just an application and a decision within 5 working days ***
Acting Out Drama School's Part-time Acting Diploma Online trains students in acting and prepares them for the professional world. It's a Part-Time, fully online Acting Diploma Course which lasts up to One Year but can be completed within only 6 months.
Watch the preview below, to see how easy it is to navigate your course. Discover some of the exciting acting modules you’ll cover soon…
Top UK Based Theatrical agent, Tabitha Watson, from Network Artist Management gives her recommendation on the school below…
Gain knowledge, experience and practice while working towards an optional ATCL Acting Diploma (Foundation Degree, England & equivalent to HND qualifications in Scotland) if you choose to sit the exam.
Because this course is fully online, you can complete it at your own pace, as long as you complete it within one year. You do not need to be at a certain standard to gain entry as we can help you no matter what level you are at when you apply. Therefore we do not need to audition you before you enrol. This is not a beginners course though, so we always recommend some acting experience before you start. There is an application process and a decision is made normally within 5 working days.
During the year you will cover the main skills of Acting and Performing, learning and practising theories from the pioneers of the acting world mainly exploring the works of Stanislavski and Michael Chekhov. You’ll also explore classical work from Shakespeare as well as contemporary Screen Acting.
You will delve deeply into characterisation, relationships, actions and narrative and your work will be assessed by your dedicated acting coaches.
How Does it Work?
All your content in the program curriculum is accessible through an exclusive, easy to follow, private membership portal via The Professional Performance Association.
You have access to your course 24 hours a day/7 days a week.
You just log in whenever you are ready to start, in your own time and your own space.
The training is delivered via videos, audios, workbook resources, done-for-you swipe files and templates.
It can also easily be accessed via your phone too.
Once your course starts, you will have access to your orientation module and the first and second module.
After this, you’ll get access to a new module each month. You have up to one year to complete the course but it is possible to complete it in only 6 months.
⭐ Module 1: Becoming an Actor - Get it right from the start.
⭐ Module 2: How to Warm Up - Be ready for any audition, part or practical acting exercise.
⭐ Module 3: Constantin Stanislavski (ACT ONE)- The Foundation of Acting and “Getting Real”
⭐ Module 4: Constantin Stanislavski (ACT TWO)- Going much deeper and covering Objectives, Containments, Emotion Memory, Characterisation and more
⭐ Module 5: Approaching A Part - How to Start Preparing for a Role
⭐ Module 6: Michael Chekhov - Working with Impulse, Imagination and Gestures
⭐ Module 7: William Shakespeare - Learn all the Language and How to Make Sense of it as an Actor
⭐ Module 8: Screen Acting - How to Act for the Television and Film Industry
⭐ Module 9: Exam Preparation - How to Prepare for your Exam (this is optional and there is an additional cost to sit the exam and gain your qualification)
You will also be guided throughout the year by expert acting coaches, directors and practitioners who really care about your acting and your future career throughout a 12 month period.
After you have completed each module, you will be able to submit your end-of-module assignment to one of your expert coaches for their feedback and guidance. This may be sent to you as a word, video or voice file.
As Acting Out Drama School is connected to new writers and directors, you will also get the chance to connect with some highly successful and award-winning artists.
What Do I Get?
✅ A Certified Course with Acting Out Drama School and Education Scotland with digital certificate *
✅ An option to sit the ATCL Performing Qualification in Speech & Drama (a Foundation Degree in England, equivalent to an SQA HND unit) **
✅ A PRIVATE 1 HOUR MOCK EXAM ONLINE SESSION with one of our coaches if you choose to sit the exam.***
✅ You’ll explore and cover a whole range of acting theories, practitioners and subjects so when you finish your course, you’ll have a sound knowledge and skill of acting.
✅ You’ll be able to get your optional Equity Membership as your course has been vetted and approved by Equity (for UK students only) ****
✅ You’ll get an optional NUS Student Card (UK Students only)****
✅ You’ll learn from expert, professional performers, directors and coaches who you will send your completed work to at the end of each module (and get their feedback).
✅ You’ll be in touch with Award-Winning and Successful Professionals throughout the course
✅ You’ll get the skill, the guidance, the courage and the confidence to start acting more seriously, professionally or go on to further education.
*This is on the basis that you pass all your end-of-module assignments ** This is on the basis you pay the additional exam fee of £300.00 and pass your exam * * *Available once all other modules are completed and the additional exam fee paid. You must also treat your private session with your coach as a Mock Exam - make sure you have completed your Exam Preparation Module and your exam pieces are polished and ready to go before you book this. **** NUS Cards and Equity Memberships are Payable to these organisations directly.
What Happens After I Enrol?
Once enrolled, you’ll get an automatic email with details on how to access your course on our private online portal. You’ll also get access to the orientation module and the first and second module. After this, you’ll get access to a new module each month. You must complete each module in the sequence presented to you in the portal. Although your modules are spread out over a period of 6 months, you have up to 1 year to complete the course so that you can work your way through the course in your own time (providing you complete it within one year).
You must pass all your end-of-module assignments to gain the Acting Out Drama School Accreditation and the end of your course. This is also certified by PLFind and Education Scotland.
To be considered for the examination, you must have passed all your end-of-module assignments and pay the additional exam fee of around £300. The professional qualification is from Trinity College London directly. We need evidence you are ready to sit the exam before we can put you forward. All information about this will be given to you during your Exam Module which is towards the end of the course. You can ask us a question about this at any time though.
Your optional practical exam is an ATCL Performing Qualification in Speech & Drama (a Foundation Degree in England, equivalent to an SQA HND unit). You will be assessed, graded and awarded your qualification and certificate by Trinity College London. Your examination is likely to be digital. You will be fully supported with an online module dedicated to exam preparation as well as a private 1 Hour mock exam session with your acting coach. All information will be given to you in your Exam Preparation Module. Please remember the exam is optional, and if you choose to do it there is an additional exam fee of around £300.00