DISCOUNTED Hypnotheraphy for Performers and Speakers

Online sessions just £55 for a limited time only!


Do you get nervous or anxious when you think about performing or speaking in public?

If you struggle with confidence, anxiety, stress or insomnia… Our professional Hypnotherapist, Ryan Scott, can help.

 He works with performers and speakers to help them release limiting emotions, negative thoughts and/or brain patterns that stop them from achieving their desired goals, whether that’s to nail a presentation, get the part you want or just stop that lingering feeling of stress and anxiety.

 Your session will be held online in the comfort of your own safe space and includes:

  • A fully qualified, highly experienced and committed hypnotherapist

  • A pre-session in-depth analysis of your consultation form

  • A unique and specifically designed script and plan for your individual needs and requirements

  • Energy Healing (such as Reiki, if permission is granted by you)

  • A recording of your session which you can listen to after and continue to benefit from

 Book here on our website today!